Tài liệu Tiếng Anh
Sách giáo khoa giảng dạy tại cơ sở Classic Giới thiệu giáo trình giảng dạy:
- Lớp từ vựng và câu: 4000 Essential English Words; Phrasal Verb in action 1 & 2
- Speaking: Let’s talk 1&2, Speak your mind, Impact issues, Talk talk talk, Let’s argue 20, Speaking listening expression, Easy true stories, Make your point 20, Pronunciation
- Writing: Developing writing skills in English, My next writing, Writing to communicate, Get ready to write
- Reading: Reading advantage 1,2,3,4; Can you believe it 1,2,3
- Listening: Bricks intensive listening 1,2,3
- Grammar: Basic grammar in use 1&2, Intermediate 1&2, Exploring 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Business course: Business Vocabulary in use, Let’s talk business
Please feel free to inquire.+63-32-236-1641 (Cebu)Office hours 9:00 - 18:00 [ Weekdays except holidays ]
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