SSP(Special Study Permit)について
フィリピンのSSP(Special Study Permit)とは、外国人がフィリピン国内で合法的に勉強するために必要な「特別就学許可証」になります。SSP申請は全ての留学生に義務付けられています。発行費用は6,500ペソで、有効期間は6ケ月です。すべての手続きは学校が代行します。
The Special Study Permit (SSP) is issued by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration for foreigners who wish to engage in short-term study in the Philippines. It is only issued in the Philippines. Eligible nationals who plan to enroll in non-degree courses, including English, that last for less than one (1) year may first apply for tourist visas at the Philippine Embassy but should get the SSP upon arrival in the Philippines.