日本實習生 Hiroki 經驗分享(1)

Hello I’m a Japanese intern manager Hiroki
It’s always hot in the PHILIPPINES and especially May and April are hotter and humid these kind of features are similar to season of June of japan called Tsuyu in this season , it’s usually sunny day consectivelly although , It’s rainy nowadays haha


This is my favarite food called Tyahan among menu in breakfast

it’s really yummy

we usually lose our appetite in hot season , however , in order to avoid dehydration ,

we should eat more and more even thought we don’s want ,

it is the way to enhance our strength leading to avoidance of dehydration

By the way , I went to a Japanmese restaurant in IT park the other day

this is my favorite Japanese restaurant in Cebu

I was clingy for Japanese food because , I hadn’t eaten them for about couple of months

this is called Sukiyaki on the picture

I was really satisfied with the taste of sukiyaki which is almost similar to what I ate at home

the price of those foods are as expensive as you eat in japan haha

so I can’t eat them frequently

anyway , my experience story for today is over , thank you for reading all you guys.

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