Hiroki經驗談 – National fast food shop Jollibee

Hello This is CIJ weekly blog .

A topic for today is one of a fast food shop Jollibee which is nationwidely famous and loved by the people here in the Philippines .


As speaking of Jollibee , this character named Jollibee is famous . Jollibee stands for Jolly and bee as you can see the picture above . Jollibee is all over the world and have warm-welcome for customers . by the way , I bought a Jollibee-printed T-shirts haha if someone wants the T-shirts , just try to buy them!! haha Actually Jollibee is more famous than Macdo in the Philippines .nowadays , Food menu of Macdo is getting similar to Jollibee’s one , so If we foreigners go to macdo here , we would feel more awkward than we expected .

Menu of Jollibee

This is a Example of the menu of Jollibee . people in the Philippines really love chicken so most of menus are based on chicken . probably most of filipinos eat chicken everyday . what’s more most of menu can be eaten at low price around 100pesos . Japanese students also like Jollibee . Anyway I heard Jollibee will be constructed in Japan as well . Is it true ?? haha

I love rice so I ordered this one above . taste of the chicken was juicier than I expected and rice was covered with paper like this . it is actually Philippines style haha you can see this kind of rice everywhere haha the sauce beside chicken is for chicken . the taste of sauce is indescribable although , It’s suitable for chicken and I feel like I can eat more rice with them haha I used to play sports before , so every time I felt hungry , I would have come here to eat a lot haha there was a time I asked some local people about which do you like Jollibee or macdo , majority of people said Jollibee is better because of taste of chicken haha I really think filipino love chicken

Experience story for this week is end here , thank you for subscribing