ベティのCIJでの生活 – 最初の日


今日は学校の初日です. 朝食後,新入生が全員集まってテストを受けます.



また,私は日用品を購入しました. スーパーマーケットはとても便利で,私が欲しかったものはとても安かったです。


現在,台湾の生徒は少なく,ルームメイトは韓国人です。 その後,私の英語は確実に上達すると思います:)



Today is the first day of school. After breakfast, all the freshmen gather together for a test.From listening, grammar, reading, and speaking, it is hard for me to speak English.

In the afternoon after the test, the school introduced us to Cebu and school rules.

There are also details of life, including the time and process of laundry and room cleaning.

After enterence test, school introduction and looked around campus, after introducing the location of the classrooms and facilities, everyone will take the van to the nearby supermarket to exchange money.


Also, I bought the daily necessities. The supermarket is very complete and the things I want are very cheap!

Most of today’s itinerary is to prepare tomorrow, I hope to learn all the best afterwards. Roommates also shared with me, although it was very hard at first, but

After 2~3 weeks, you can talk fluently with the teacher. Although there are currently fewer Taiwanese students, and the roommates are Korean. I think my English will definitely improve afterwards 🙂